Praxis für Naturheilkunde Sergej Dorochov, Viersen
Kryotherapie     Cryotherapy
What does "regenerative cryotherapy" mean?
Regenerative cryotherapy is a treatment carried out by way of short-term
local deep-freezing. The procedure is unbloody, to a large extent painless,
requires no medication with possible side-effects and is performed without
the removal of the organs being treated. Regenerative cryotherapy as a method
of treatment must be distinguished from cryotherapy, where deep-freezing is
practised in order to surgically remove tumors and organs.

The desired therapeutical objectives
pfeil.jpg (634 Byte) Reduction of infection foci
pfeil.jpg (634 Byte) Stimulation of the immunological system
pfeil.jpg (634 Byte) Avoidance of problems caused by snoring

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